VA Story: Julie Galido

Full Time Work, Full Time Mom: Virtual Professional Mom Earns More than Just Real Dollars

Being a wife and a mom of two is definitely not an easy job. What more if you have a full time job? Full time mommy and Virtual Professional (VP) Julie Galido, proved this wrong.

Julie has been a VA since 2008, and believe it or not she is now one of the major assets of the company where she works. The most intriguing part of it is that she doesn’t even have to leave her house. Yes, what you read is right. Julie has been a homebased Virtual Professional for almost four (4) years now.

To be able to work at home while looking after my family is probably one of the best things that God has given me”, Julie said. Julie started as a personal VA for Daniel Ramsey – one of the owners of MyOutdesk.Com.

From setting up all his appointments, email management, database utilities, reimbursement, valuation and more – Julie did it all.

Now, Julie is the Operations Manager of the said company. She happily told us all the perks of being homebased work at home mom and professional. Although, all the things she mentioned will not be included here, below are some of the top three advantages of being a homebased virtual professional according to Julie.

  • You get to work at the comfort of your own home – less expense because you don’t need to spend money for fares just to get your office. All you need is a reliable computer and internet connection and you’re good to work. That also means more quality time for your family.
  • Working for MyOutdesk.Com is different. You earn while you learn. The management made sure that all of us get the proper trainings we need before we get endorsed to the client. “It’s not just an ordinary employer-employee relationship, they (the management) treat all of us a family. They are always there to back us up. We also have gatherings every once in a while to catch up with each other. It’s more of earning experiences and relationships”, Julie added.